2023 eCommerce Delivery Trends Report

Despite economic setbacks, and external pressure on retail supply chains in general, the growth of UK eCommerce is projected to continue.

It’s encouraging to think that online retail is helping people respond to turbulent times. After wide scale adoption during the pandemic, and the subsequent bounce, things may have levelled out somewhat, but shopping habits have changed fundamentally.

With that, the bar has risen in terms of customer experience. We’re at the point of complete intolerance of any form of inconvenience. To compete in these times, and for retailers to grow their operations, post-purchase experience will soon be the yardstick by which all their efforts are judged.

To react to new eCommerce shopping and shipping habits, adopting a flexible and agile approach to delivery isn’t negotiable. If anything, the most important eCommerce trend of current times is the expectation of flawless customer experience. That’s not going to change anytime soon.

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