2020 Recruiting Trends Report

It’s been a challenging year for everyone, talent acquisition teams included. While we don’t know yet what talent acquisition will look like as 2020 unfolds, we have been able to observe some key trends. Find out what your peers are thinking about in this report.

This 2020 Recruiting Trends Report is based on a survey of nearly 500 talent acquisition professionals that ran for six weeks starting on April 6, 2020. Read the full report to find out recruiting industry trends of 2020, including:

  • Where prospect outreach is happening, and what the most valuable channels are for candidate engagement
  • How teams are using automation and recruitment technology, and what KPIs they’re tracking
  • How talent acquisition teams are thinking about diversity initiatives, and what their biggest challenges are to diversifying the pipeline
  • Talent leaders’ highest-priority initiatives and where they plan to use their budget for the remainder of 2020
  • Talent leaders’ biggest struggles in the face of COVID

Download this guide to get a pulse on trends in recruiting.

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