Transform the Educational Experience Through Blended Learning

Smart thinkers and innovators in higher education have begun to explore how remote learning might be applied to amplify and even revolutionize the on-campus learning experience and how blending synchronous and asynchronous modalities with traditional, in-classroom learning might dramatically improve the way students and faculty interact and collaborate with each other. For small to mid-size colleges and universities looking to attract, retain, and graduate the modern student and compete for students with larger land-grant institutions, blended learning is the key.

Today, in the midst of a public health crisis and social unrest, our new reality won’t tolerate any complacency. Ready or not, colleges and universities all over the country are finding out how good (or bad) they are at deploying synchronous and asynchronous learning. In just a few short weeks, remote learning has fallen from its perch of optional convenience and landed with a thud as an absolute necessity. The time to act is now.

In this eBook, we’ll take a closer look at the way synchronous, asynchronous and traditional learning modalities can work together to enable a better educational experience. Not just as a way to navigate the current public health crisis, but as a way to come out swinging on the other side. And, we’ll discuss the vital role your IT organization will play in bringing about this transformation, with almost overnight transition from simple cost center to critical contributor in the fight for enrollment, retention, persistence, and outcomes.

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