This competitive analysis guide is based on expert evaluations, user interviews, and RFI data provided by the vendors for actual enterprise resource planning (ERP) selection...
In interviews with Red Hat customers, Forrester found that these organizations transformed their application development and delivery life cycles. They benefited from...
The keys to realizing the full potential of the IoT during this crucial startup period, is the right expertise for building connected systems.
In this report, we deep...
For most companies, progressive web apps (PWAs) are still in the “that’s interesting” stages of understanding, but not proactively considered. That will change as...
In March 2018, EdgeVerve commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate automation strategies, specifically RPA, which are relatively cost-effective and efficient. This...
Wednesday, November 7 at 11am PT/ 2pm ET/ 8pm CET
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to completely revolutionize your organization. However, harmonizing data...