We set the benchmarks in this scorecard based on decades of cross-industry experience and thousands of portal projects. Stack your options against these intranet must-haves...
Strongly influenced by microservices and analytics, digital transformation is spawning a new class of applications and APIs with more sophisticated, event-enabled capabilities.
Edge computing is the next wave in digital transformation, helping bridge the gaps between IT and OT. But what’s the best solution? It depends on the answers to a few...
No matter what your company does, software is critical to differentiating yourself from competitors. It’s a model to deliver new services and revenues, easy customer...
But without knowing what they are, or how they operate, it’s impossible to protect your data assets from upcoming attacks. This white paper provides insights into:
The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized business. But with it comes security challenges. HP and Staples Business Advantage will share what you need to know about,...