Think about the agents in your contact center and the agents who handle Web chat. What if any agent could take any call? What if your agents could follow the right process,...
Sales and operations planning was the highest-prioritized application area in the IDC vertical markets' IT survey. Read Simon Ellis', Practice Director for supply chain strategies...
If your processes are mired in a rigid infrastructure, you can't adapt the service experience at the pace of change required. If you can't measure the effect of your business...
How do you make sure your customers are having good service experiences with your brand? You measure the experience and adapt accordingly. Process improvement is a cornerstone...
Listening to customers does not mean the same thing today as it did five years ago. Today consumers have found strength in numbers. In essence, the community is becoming the...
First off, social media usage actually makes consumers even more engaged with their email inbox. Plus social media users are likely to share their email-delivered content...