Buyer intent data can help you reveal hidden pipeline and find new prospects already looking for your solution. But what is it, how is it gathered, and how can you get the...
Are you considering implementing contract management technology in your organization? We're sure you are ticking all the right boxes and keenly reviewing top analyst...
Approximately 6 million US-based companies have adopted CLM solutions of varying grades, and the trend in large enterprises is rapidly shifting towards enterprise-grade CLM...
Customer journey maps harness valuable insights to illustrate the complete buying experience and help brands to identify how they can optimize their marketing efforts. In...
In this guide, we review how organizations can develop a brand tracking strategy, understand the key metrics that determine their brand health, analyze brand tracking results,...
To help organizations understand how to best leverage customer journey maps, Hanover Research surveyed 400 companies around the U.S. The survey gathered data on organizational...