Organizations are seeking a more unified, complete and easy conference solution that enables them to work in a more agile way.
Users want a “single meeting, single...
The American Bar Association article cited that:
“It is abundantly clear that law firms will focus their investments on technologies that can have the greatest...
Cyber-attacks are increasing at alarming rates, partly due to traditional network designs being trapped in a PC-centric world, putting organizations in danger of significant...
Technology is changing all the time. Get tips to help your office keep up and continue running smoothly, including:
Cross-company platform adoption
Change management
The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized business. But with it comes security challenges. HP and Staples Business Advantage will share what you need to know about,...
From infrastructure projects to social services, government field workers often struggle to connect, perform tasks, access or share data due to unreliable mobile devices....