When a major distributor of natural gas in North America began looking for new ways to be more competitive and efficient while also reducing cyber risks to operational safety...
This Elastic Global Threat Report is a product of Elastic Security Labs, our threat research branch with expertise in investigating computer network intrusions, analyzing...
The energy industry, like every other, is driven by myriad decisions, each of which depends on the best available data. In addition, the energy industry has multiple unique...
While security tools have become more adept at detecting payloads in emails, attacks that lack known indicators and rely instead on impersonation/social engineering tactics...
Email continues to be the lifeblood of organizations. With changes to legislation and the increased attention on data breaches now is the time to revisit email solutions...
In the past few years, there has been an explosive growth in OT infrastructure targeting. The new reality is that today’s threat actors are targeting weaknesses in the...