This SANS Institute White Paper discusses the layered threats that take advantage of weak points in applications and their users, the complexities involved with managing multiple...
The intent of this white paper is to assist government defense agencies that are prime targets for infiltration and attack through an increased understanding of the changing...
This paper looks at how an organization can capitalize on intelligent information workflow technology to reach these goals - and become a city of the future.Request Free!
Over the past five years, some of the most wide-ranging and demanding financial management and disclosure regulations in U.S. history have come into force such as: Gramm-Leach-BlileySarbanes-OxleyUSA...
Federal government agencies and their prime contractors are responsible for the planning, management, and coordination of Federal Program offices, which are tasked with owning...
The Microsoft and Robbins-Gioia CPIC Solution is an integrated set of tools to successfully manage an agency’s investment portfolio. The CPIC Solution gathers, analyzes,...