IndustryWeek is fully dedicated to serving corporate and executive leadership; operations and plant management; along with engineering, research and development, IT, and purchasing...
This Beagle Research Group executive white paper describes the advantages of switching to a cloud-based contact center, focusing on lower total cost of ownership, more deployment...
Organizations have traditionally viewed vulnerability scanners as a tactical product, largely commoditized and only providing value around audit time. But with limited resources...
In response, forward-thinking enterprises are becoming social businesses—activating dynamically constructed networks, including employees, customers and business partners,...
A business' reputation can take years to build and only seconds to destroy. In this white paper, they explore the document security threats that erode a reputation and risk...
A zero-day threat is a vulnerability that becomes known to the vendor on the same day it becomes known to the public, meaning IT assets targeted by a zero-day threat won't...