Back to school, but not back to normal Even as pandemic restrictions are lifted, this school year will come with its own unique challenges, as parents navigate balancing...
How Math and Reading Are Bolstered in 3-D Science Class. When students practice 3-D science, math and English Language Arts (ELA) skills improve. The 2022 National Assessment...
Recent research shows that reading scores are declining in more than half of all U.S. states, a trend that started even before the pandemic. As school districts look for ways...
In this eBook by IDC learn how IT leaders in the higher education industry can leverage digital transformation through back-office operations, and cloud solutions to improve...
Erfahren Sie, wie Bildungseinrichtungen ihre Lehr- und Studienpläne ergänzen und den Unterricht an die für Industrie 4.0 benötigten Kompetenzen anpassen,...
Erfahren Sie, wie führende Unternehmen wie General Motors die Technologie des generativen Designs nutzen, um neue Wege in der Produktentwicklung und Fertigung zu beschreiten....