In the midst of technological advancement nowadays, the “back-to-basics” rule still applies when it comes to getting hired for a job. It does not matter if you...
1) Identify Your Essential Competencies and Performance Metrics
If I asked you to list all the essential competencies that YOU are in control of – the ones that are...
Revenue is down. Sales are slowing. The CEO looks up from the business plan and realizes that the company won’t meet analysts’ expectations. Focusing on the organization’s...
In the early stages of developing an IT support business, the owners typically wear all the hats: the sales hats, the technical hats, and the administrative hats, until the...
All firms of all sizes in all areas of business want the best candidates for the jobs they have available. However, in recent years, the employee-candidate paradigm has been...
Very few entrepreneurs want to close their business. Sell, yes. Merge, maybe. Shut it down, I doubt it. The reality is that more than 50% of all new companies opened in the...