The online Master of Science in Computer Engineering from Syracuse University's College of Engineering and Computer Science is designed to give students the ability to...
With in-memory computing, unmatched scalability and the fastest time-to-value, only HP ConvergedSystem, or Sharks for HANA, can help you with your analytics, data warehousing...
Feeling overwhelmed, overstressed, or just plain down about life? This book is the cure for what ails you. Mood can affect every aspect of your life, from your performance...
The Mobile Maturity Benchmarks Report answers these questions—and dozens more—with a comprehensive survey of 500 mobile executives, marketers and developers across eight...
In 2013 I read 51 books. That added up to 11,668 pages. Dedicated readers may scoff at that number, but that’s the most I have ever read in a year. The number wasn’t...
Watch this video to see how CA Clarity Playbook gives your organization anywhere, anytime access to: Define strategy based on business goals, objectives, initiatives Engage...