A composite organization of 600 employees is studied with compelling results in favor of the cloud for savings and benefits. Interviews with actual customers from real estate,...
Business is more mobile than ever. Mobile devices enable you and your workforce to connect with customers, collaborate through video conferencing, and even run virtual offices....
RingCentral's service frees businesses from outdated modalities of work and obsolete hardware—giving you voice, fax and text capabilities you can manage and access anywhere...
Many businesses feel entrenched with the systems they have, but as contracts expire and systems get harder to maintain options are considered. Explore the top 5 hidden costs...
Download this report and learn: To identify internal drivers that shape sourcing strategiesBest practices for developing a new T&M sourcing strategy 5 key sourcing...
The Cloud offers software based solutions for everything from music to CRM and RingCentral has created a cloud-based communications solution. Explore 7 of the key virtues...