As a trusted advisor, your clients look to you for guidance and advice when crafting long-term financial plans. Understanding your clients’ charitable interests and...
Beginning on June 9th, 2017, the first phase of the DOL fiduciary rule goes into effect.The goal of the Transition Period is to allow time for advisors to integrate...
Dying in America is expensive….And with end-of-life arrangements constantly on the rise, prospects and clients are looking for better and different ways to lessen the...
Gain instant access to thousands of Federal prospects. Megastar's exclusive relationship with FEDweek – We've captured personal and financial information of thousands...
Voluntary insurance is full of jargon, acronyms, and scare tactics, but there are better ways to talk about these products. Taking a positive, proactive, straight-forward...
Are you thinking about preventing fraud as much as your members? How do you take advantage of a truly connected world while ensuring your banking members stay secure?...