By now most companies faced with regulatory inquiries or legal discovery have an information archiving solution in place. Many of these solutions worked fine when they were...
Core HR, which Aberdeen defined as the systems, processes and workflows to manage payroll, benefits, health & safety, compliance, taxes, employee records / HR data, self-service...
It provides organizations a secure and compliant path to manage development and deployment in a hybrid cloud environment, and enables them to embrace the benefits of the cloud...
Across these interwoven Clouds, business solutions must interoperate, share data and deliver value to customers, suppliers and other business partners as the developing Boundary-free...
This white paper will help you understand the legal and compliance implications of controlling email content and images being sent or received within your organization, the...
Now, a new approach resolves this dilemma: virtual appliance-based messaging security solutions. With hardened, ready-to-deploy appliance images and per-seat licensing, organizations...