With new attack techniques and new vulnerabilities affecting web servers, traditional firewalls are no longer enough to protect modern networks. This white paper explains...
PCs dominated our desktops for the last 40 years, but our need for on-demand information is rapidly changing the types of devices we use and the way we work. As we enter a...
This in-depth study will help you assess how a Travel and Expense Management solution could help your business improve its bottom line. Key Insights from Report:Companies...
With this model, they choose a subsidiary ERP system that meets subsidiary functional requirements and is less expensive to deploy, easier to change, and simpler to manage....
Today's business leaders make challenging demands on Information Technology (IT) professionals. “Do more with less--and fast,” is one frequent refrain. “And when you've...
This paper focuses on U.S. interstate and federal regulations, and European Union requirements as they apply both in the EU as well as in other jurisdictions, where regulations...