Gartner is the world's leading information technology research and advisory company. Vendors in the Magic Quadrant are evaluated based on ability to execute and completeness...
Given the increasing proliferation of mobile devices, mobile security and device management is gaining greater significance and priority within IT organizations. Over the...
The stiff penalties defined by PCI members are designed to ensure that all merchants and service providers work to maintain consumer trust of payment cards since that loss...
Cloud-based computing models offer the promise of a highly scalable compute infrastructure without having to acquire, install and maintain any additional hardware. However,...
Capturing the detailed actions of privileged users is even more critical in today's business environment that is driving cost efficiencies through IT outsourcing, off-shoring...
For most IT organization, a mixture of Windows UNIX, Linux and Mac OS X platforms is simply a fact of life. However, reducing IT complexity has become a critical issue in...