The Keys To Distributed & Agile Application Development

The pursuit of cost reductions and greater product release efficiencies has fueled the expansion of distributed Agile development. To recreate the advantages of co-location in distributed settings, companies have been looking to email, collaboration tools and traditional social networks. However, companies usually have little or no synergy between these disparate tools, and miss the development context.

As an alternative, leading companies are moving towards integrated platforms for development. Of particular interest are global repositories that managers, developers and others can access for wikis, discussion forums, code review, tracking and more. There are clear benefits to having a central hub where team members can share updates regardless of time zone or task and even automate traditionally manual and error-prone tasks. This approach can dramatically improve productivity, quality and efficiency. Over time, integration can also help build trust between dispersed team members.

This white paper will highlight solutions for application development in globally dispersed organizations. Insights and strategies for maximizing efficiencies in a distributed environment will be presented, along with best practices.

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