The Definitive Guide to Building a Successful Outbound Lead Generation Team

Recently, Inbound Marketing has been proven to be the most efficient way to generate new sales leads. However, many companies want to grow sales beyond what they can achieve with inbound leads, and there is no better way to do that than with Outbound Lead Generation. In other words, it’s not just Inbound or Outbound - it’s Allbound, as Allen Nance has said.

This book explores the benefits of Outbound Lead Generation (or Outbound Sales Prospecting) teams, the best practices for building such a team and the essential methods for managing your new team to achieve measurable results and sustainable revenue growth beyond what you can do with Inbound alone. 

Here are some of the key points you will find in this book:

  • How a prospecting team can significantly boost your sales 
  • What questions to ask before building your team
  • How to attract the best reps and key management tips
  • The right KPIs to measure your team’s performance
  • The best tools to help you get the most from your team

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