Win Interviews! — The New Must-Have Game Plan (This $14.95 Value eBook expires on 3/26/2014)

Win Interviews! helps you to understand how to prepare effectively for changing jobs today, what the new rules are, and how you can make them work to your benefit. It gives all levels of job seekers critical insight into the mindset and expectations of hiring managers and their use of applicant tracking systems. It also includes sections on creating your personal brand, effective resumes, what social media strategies you need, and much more. This information in this book will help you win the career you deserve.

At the end of reading Win Interviews!, you will be able to create your personalized new game plan with the latest job-search information, tools, forms, samples, and strategies you need to win the interview and land the job you want. You will have learned how job search doesn't have to be hard, and you will be steps ahead of your competition with your new must-have game plan!

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