Parental Burnout Crisis in Corporate America

In a world in which both parents typically work, employers need to do more to address and mitigate the challenges of worried and worn-out parents. 

Over 60 percent of 2,000 parents surveyed report they have experienced some form of parental burnout (PBO). Two of the top three contributors to PBO are job or career-related. Indeed, nearly 30 percent of respondents point to pressure or exhaustion from work or managing the home, and a similar number believe financial concerns, demands or limitations are primary PBO contributors.

This report highlights the key findings in a poll of 2,000 parents in the United States and Canada, conducted in March of 2018. It highlights the challenges parents face in today’s modern age, and what factors are most contributing to PBO. It also highlights solutions both individuals and corporations should consider to address those challenges and ensure healthy home and work environments. 

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