The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruiting

  • Jobs have changed. Now more than ever, openings in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) are dominating the global marketplace.
  • In fact, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics believes that the STEM workforce in the U.S will total more than 8.65 million workers by 2018.
  • Jobseekers have changed. Research shows that Generation Y workers will change jobs every 3-4 years—because they want more from employment than paychecks and benefits.
  • Technology has changed. Advances in SaaS platforms, mobile technology, and social media have provided companies with a vast new assortment of recruiting tools.
But here's the kicker: When candidates change, and the recruiting environment changes, your job as a recruiter will change, too. Are you ready to adapt?

If you aren't sure, don't fret. A number of recruiters today are faced with the challenge of adjusting to the new climate. Now is the perfect time to analyze your behavior and rethink your perspective.

Here's a look at seven of the top “sins” recruiters commit today, along with valuable direction for correcting your bad habits.

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