ERP and Lean

The dominant continuous improvement methodology in manufacturing is Lean Manufacturing. Aberdeen's "ERP in Manufacturing 2011: Defining the ERP Strategy" June 2011, showed that well over 80% of manufacturing companies use some form of a formal Enterprise Resource and Planning (ERP) system. But Lean traditionalists have typically shunned support from IT systems and advanced Lean concepts through grassroots business process change. From Aberdeen's "To ERP or Not to ERP: In Manufacturing, It Isn't Even a Question" March 2011 report, they know that ERP provides measurable benefits to manufacturing companies. So what happens when you combine Lean and ERP and actually use them to support each other?

This report will look at how companies using Lean concepts and methodologies have both more successful Lean operations and ERP strategies. These companies use a combined ERP strategy and a balanced Lean strategy to support each other.

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