Social Project Management: The Whole is Stronger Than Its Parts

One of the main characteristics of project management is communication. Communication is important amongst the project team to share knowledge and work through problems as they arise. It is also important with clients, whether internal or external. Changing client priorities can quickly make a profitable project unprofitable. Also, clients that are unaware of project progress may feel disconnected and become unhappy. Project management and reporting solutions have helped with these problems in the past. In fact, Aberdeen's 2012 Project Management survey found that 60% of project-based businesses have project management and reporting solutions compared with 43% of All Others. These solutions are essential for tracking and managing project timelines and recording costs. But in a market where increased competition for customers and resources emphasizes knowledge sharing and project efficiency, project-based organizations may find that the software they previously utilized is no longer as efficient. Therefore, project management software vendors have begun to offer solutions with “social business” functionality that mirrors social media channels that employees are likely to use in their personal lives. This report identifies the reasons that project-based organizations seek out social business tools, current adoption rates, and their impact on project management.

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