7 Principles to Upgrade Your Work and Life

This path, however, keeps many of us on the hedonic treadmill of unfulfilling work, suffering
through long commutes and living from paycheck to paycheck.
When we look around, we see that our friends’ lives have been upgraded. They are raking it in
as iPad DJs or launching profitable start-ups in their garages, driving electric cars and riding
expensive carbon fiber bikes, and going off on exotic safaris through Africa, jungle adventures
in Costa Rica, or party weekends in Reykjavik whenever they want without having to seek
approval for the time off from a boss. It can drive us crazy.
“Why isn’t that my life?” we ask. As a funny man once joked: “What’s worse than not getting what
you want? Someone else getting it!” Maybe you did everything right. You went to school,
got great grades, and got a good job. But the American dream has shifted seemingly overnight.
It seems the rug was pulled out from under us. 

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