Analytics and Big Data for the Mid-Market

However, big data is not just an issue for the select few, as mid-market organizations are increasingly dealing with many of the same data pressures as their larger compatriots while being forced to find solutions without the benefit of relatively larger resources. Aberdeen's recent research study, Data Management for Analytics (September 2013), shows that the mid-market is turning to both big data and analytic solutions to solve their information needs and drive business value out of their data. However, determining which solutions will best help extract business value from their data is challenging. The variety of options -- and the diverse characteristics of those options -- is considerable. This report, focused on 69 mid-market organizations, offers guidance to these smaller companies on how they might narrow the options by revealing which technology enablers are prevalent in the mid-market, investigating which features are most used by top performing companies, and showing how these solutions provide tangible benefits to line-of-business operations.

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