2013 Interactive Kiosks Buyer’s Guide

Used in a number of industries and settings, interactive kiosks function as user-friendly machines, or virtual employees, that will collect or deliver information to waiting customers. An interactive kiosk can service a wide range of businesses, including supermarkets, photo processing departments, airports, boutiques, retail stores, and banks.

A basic interactive kiosk is available in a number of shapes and sizes and can be strategically placed in any location, even outdoors. Today, many interactive kiosks function with touch screen technology using an LCD monitor. Kiosks can be customized to sell specific products or services, provide basic customer information, accept credit card payment, and print customer receipts.

If you're looking to find out more about interactive kiosks, our BuyerZone Interactive Kiosks Buyer's Guide will detail the types of kiosks you can provide for your business, the touch screen technology and display options available, your purchasing options, and the various costs involved.

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