Free Chapter: The Crowdsourced Performance Review

It's long been discussed in HR circles that the traditional annual performance review is frozen in time. It's a relic of the way business used to work and doesn't capitalize on the way business works today.

While some experts have called for the elimination of the annual review, Globoforce CEO Eric Mosley proposes a new model, using strategies that leverage new social technologies and business thinking.

In his new book from McGraw Hill, The Crowdsourced Performance Review, Eric shows how crowdsourcing feedback can provide a new approach on how to manage and evaluate employee performance.

Download the first chapter of The Crowdsourced Performance Review, and you'll see why NY Times bestselling author Dan Pink says HR leaders can “…turn the dreaded performance review into a powerful force for decision-making and culture-building by using the methods outlined in this clear and clever guide.”

Re-imagine your performance reviews.

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