Getting Creative: How Technology Can Help Advertisers & Marketers Recruit the Right Talent

Download this new eBook, “Getting Creative: How Technology can Help Advertisers & Marketers Recruit the Right Talent,” and you'll learn:
  • How social media and employee referrals can strengthen your lean recruiting team
  • Why communication and candidate relationship management really matter
  • How real-time analytics and reporting can show executives you're doing your job well

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Getting Creative: How Technology Can Help Advertisers & Marketers Recruit the Right Talent

Download this new eBook, “Getting Creative: How Technology can Help Advertisers & Marketers Recruit the Right Talent,” and you'll learn:
  • How social media and employee referrals can strengthen your lean recruiting team
  • Why communication and candidate relationship management really matter
  • How real-time analytics and reporting can show executives you're doing your job well

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