Top 3 Network Security Threats That You Don’t Know About

Join James Lyne, Director of Technology Strategy at Sophos on June 20, 2013 at 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET to understand what can be done to address these network security threats in real time. James will demonstrate and discuss:
  • The evolving threat landscape including the top 3 network security threats you don't know about
  • Practical advice on how to make sure you're protected against network security threats
  • What to consider when choosing a unified threat management solution for your business
Register today and be prepared for tomorrow.

Speaker Information:

James Lyne
Director of Technology Strategy, Sophos

James Lyne is focused on the 5-year technology strategy at Sophos in the Office of the CTO. Working with key business and technology trends and combining a detailed knowledge of threats, James extrapolates from the modern world of threat protection to explore the future security and technology requirements. Aside from technology strategy, James frequently engages with customers and industry forums to evangelize the security problem domains.

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