Are You Ready for Big Data?

The first weeks of 2013 were barely out of the gate when one industry analyst was already predicting that Big Data would be Time magazine's 2013 “Person of the Year.” Watching what Google, Amazon, and Facebook have done with Big Data is impressive, enviable.

But what about companies with smaller staffs and budgets? When does it make sense to start up a Big Data program? If your email marketing system isn't talking to your sales force automation system, and neither is synched up with your online purchase system, are you really ready to tackle a Big Data project?

The answer may surprise you as they examine Big Data's role in creating the next-generation digital experience.

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Are You Ready for Big Data?

The first weeks of 2013 were barely out of the gate when one industry analyst was already predicting that Big Data would be Time magazine's 2013 “Person of the Year.” Watching what Google, Amazon, and Facebook have done with Big Data is impressive, enviable.

But what about companies with smaller staffs and budgets? When does it make sense to start up a Big Data program? If your email marketing system isn't talking to your sales force automation system, and neither is synched up with your online purchase system, are you really ready to tackle a Big Data project?

The answer may surprise you as they examine Big Data's role in creating the next-generation digital experience.

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