Passwords Are Pass: Next Gen Authentication Addresses Today’s Threats

Relying on just a password is no longer enough to protect data and aOnccounts in today’s world. Attackers are employing a wide range of tactics to get the passwords needed to breach accounts and access enterprise networks. Security experts have been pushing for multifactor authentication and other identity controls for years. As enterprises seek to improve the integrity of access control to their most sensitive resources and secure the user login experience, they are increasingly exploring what the passwordless future would look like.

An important thing to consider when preparing for passwordless is to realize the next-generation of authentication methods are not out to kill the password, but should be considered as a way to add more identity protection layers. And while there is a significant overlap between MFA and passwordless, they are not synonymous. 

In this Tech Insight, we look at:

  • The evolution of authentication technologies
  • Explore various authentication options Available to enterprise security teams
  • Strategies for weaning off passwords
  • Consider implementation plans.

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