How next-gen broadband gateways unlock service innovation and exceptional user experiences with 10G Fiber, Wi-Fi 7 and a software-defined architecture

With high-performance 10G-PON fiber access, subscribers’ expectation of broadband access expands well beyond basic connectivity to enable next-gen immersive experiences. For broadband service providers, this is an opportunity to capitalize on the home gateway as a vehicle for growth, expanding service innovation and take an active part in managing their subscribers’ digital life.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss the building blocks needed to transform next-gen broadband gateways from basic connectivity platforms into services platforms enabling service providers to engage with their subscribers with user-centric, adaptive services that can be personalized and continuously updated.

Join the webinar to learn:

  • How Wi-Fi 7 advanced features like ultra-wide channels and multi-link operation unleash the full high-speed and low-latency potential of XGS-PON technology to be delivered seamlessly through the home.
  • How end-to-end service orchestration enables service providers to manage in-home connectivity and deliver consistent Quality of Experience.
  • How a programmable software defined gateway architecture is necessary to accelerate deployment of differentiated services and value-added applications.
  • How insights into in-home network health and performance unlock operation efficiencies enabling service providers to manage service levels and resolve performance issues proactively.

Ruth Brown

Principal Analyst – Mobile Networks & 5G,
Heavy Reading

Ruth covers mobile network research for Heavy Reading. Key coverage areas include system architecture, core infrastructure and services, and supporting cloud technologies.

Prior to joining Heavy Reading, Ruth worked in mobile and fixed network research and design for BT for over 20 years. Her research interests have included convergence, mobile QoS, network slicing, private networks, cloud native mobile core technology and automation. She has filed more than 40 patents on both real world applications and enhancements to mobile core networks. Ruth is an advocate for women in engineering.


Ganesh Swaminathan
VP & GM, Wireless Infrastructure and Networking,
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

Ganesh Swaminathan is vice president and general manager responsible for Qualcomm’s Wireless Infrastructure and Networking Business unit, which delivers Wi-Fi silicon and software solutions for home, enterprise, and carrier applications.

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