How automation and AI revolutionizes customer service for communications service providers

Giving customers what they want is the No. 1 priority in any business. For communications service providers, that comes down to one thing: It’s all about delivering on quality service.

The technology most communications companies (small and large) rely on for service is an inefficient mess of systems. Historically, most company resources have gone into building networks, not so much into streamlining all systems across the organization. This inefficiency is important to address, especially given the huge growth of customer expectations.

For most companies, focusing on building neworks left the service side of the business fragmented without a full view of the customers’ data from different parts of the business. Two things happen as a result: Customers get frustrated when service agents don’t recognize problems in a timely manner, and, second, service agents waste their time on manual tasks and “swivel-chairing.” This leads to higher costs and unhappy customers. It’s also time that could be better spent on higher-value work and strengthening customer relationships.

Now, you can set up automation and use AI (whether it’s generative to create assets such as content or respond to inquiries or predictive to identify patterns and predict outcomes) with your company’s own trusted data that lets service teams work more efficiently while lowering your costs. See how you can spend less time on tedious tasks and more time spent on improving customer satisfaction and optimizing agents’ productivity.

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