How to Prepare for Zero-Day Attacks: An IT Continency Plan

The term “zero-day” refers to a new, previously unknown vulnerability in a computer system or program. This flaw can be caused by a bug, a system glitch or a design error. If this vulnerability hasn’t been identified or patched before a criminal finds and starts using it, it becomes a zero-day exploit or zero-day attack.

Such attacks can be used to spread ransomware, steal data or even shut down your entire IT system. Cybercriminals can employ zero days to hack into your network without being discovered for weeks or months.

Learning points

  • Zero-day wake-up call: Unpreparedness can cripple operations. Importance of proactive defense against new vulnerabilities stressed.
  • Stealthy zero-day menace: Undetected network access for ransomware, data theft, or system shutdown. Vigilance crucial.
  • Vulnerability urgency: Swift patching prevents zero-day exploits. Lessons on the potential impact of unaddressed system flaws.

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