Navigating extreme uncertainty to drive growth

The cloud is now a fundamental ingredient for building financial resilience. The cloud provides organisations with a scalable, secure, and cost-effective platform to run their applications and data. This can help organisations to improve their agility, flexibility, and responsiveness to market changes that will help them to survive, even thrive, through whatever challenges lie ahead.
Karen Huish, director of financial services, Google Cloud UK

The financial services industry faces multiple challenges: the ongoing threat of a recession, the increasing risk of cyber attacks, growing regulatory pressure, geo-political instability and political intervention. And with customers no longer accepting anything less than a convenient and personalised digital experience, the world of financial services is rapidly changing, and some organisations need help to keep up.

So, how do banks and financial institutions meet the current challenges they face?

Hear from BJSS and Google Cloud experts on how to navigate these threats and how these can be overcome by utilising consultancies such as BJSS and Google technologies.

Discover how to protect your organisation from the ever-changing digital and economic landscape. This free white paper explores:

  • Using data to gain a competitive edge
  • The importance of building customer trust
  • The change in customer expectations and the current global and economic climate
  • How open ecosystems are encouraging collaboration in financial services
  • How fintechs are surviving the tough funding climate
  • Key thoughts and insights from Karen Huish, Google Cloud UK’s director of financial services
  • Examples of how BJSS have helped customers navigate challenging times with technology

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