Automating the Transport Network: 2023 Survey Results and What’s Ahead

The transport network has historically been operated and managed in a static environment defined by manual processes and proprietary protocols. But that is changing as advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, software defined networks, cloud computing, and more intelligent and programmable network devices are ushering in a new era for how service providers build and operate networks and how they generate revenue. As the “network plumbing” underpinning all network services, the transport network must change too.

To understand more about the future of automation in transport networks, Heavy Reading launched the Open, Automated & Programmable Transport global network operator survey. In this special webinar, Heavy Reading is joined by experts from Fujitsu, Infinera, and Viavi to discuss the key findings and what they mean for the industry.

Topics addressed will include:

  • Drivers and challenges automating transport
  • Priority use cases for transport automation
  • Automated turn up, performance optimization, fault management and recovery in optical networks
  • Automation and open optical networks, including coherent pluggable optics
  • The application of cloud-based delivery and machine learning
  • Best practices in active testing and assurance

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