5G Advanced – Next Gen Mobile Networks and Services Digital Symposium

After almost 5 years of commercial service, there are hundreds of 5G networks and millions of cell sites live worldwide. To secure the next decade of 5G, and prepare for the introduction of 6G, the mobile network ecosystem is now working to develop 5G Advanced.
Light Reading’s 5G Advanced Digital Symposium will investigate the state-of-the-art in mobile technology and the outlook for 5G networks from 2025 and beyond.

Day 1 Session 1: Defining 5G Advanced: Technology, Architecture & Services – September 19, 2023

11:00 am ET – Opening Remarks: Gabriel Brown, Senior Principal Analyst, Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading

11:10 am ET – Service Provider Keynote: Brian Daly, Assistant VP Wireless Technology and Standards, AT&T

11:25 am ET – Sponsor Keynote: Shekar Ayyar, Chairman and CEO, Arrcus

11:35 am ET – Keynote Speaker: Alan Loh, Executive General Manager, Innovation & Solutions, Zain KSA

11:50 am ET – Panel Session:

Gabriel Brown, Senior Principal Analyst, Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading

Brian Daly, Assistant VP Wireless Technology and Standards, AT&T

Chris Pearson, President, 5G Americas

Shekar Ayyar, Chairman and CEO, Arrcus

12:20 pm ET – Q & A

12:30 pm ET – End

Day 1 Session 2: 5G Advanced for Private Networks – September 19, 2023

12:45 pm EST – Opening Remarks: Ruth Brown, Principal Analyst, Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading

12:55 pm EST – Service Provider Keynote: Kimmo Pentikäinen, Vice President, Business Development, Elisa Corporation

1.10 pm EST – Platinum Sponsor Keynote: Ravi Guntupalli, Director, Software Engineering, Cisco

1:20 pm EST – Panel Session

Ruth Brown, Principal Analyst, Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading

Kimmo Pentikäinen, Vice President, Business Development, Elisa Corporation

Ravi Guntupalli, Director, Software Engineering, Cisco

2:00 pm ET – Q & A

2:15 pm ET – End

Day 2 Session 1: AI/ML in 5G-Advanced – September 21, 2023

11:00 am ET – Opening Remarks: Gabriel Brown, Senior Principal Analyst, Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading

11:10 am ET – Service Provider Keynote: Arjun Parekh, Distinguished Engineer and Senior Manager, Self-Learning Networks Research, BT

11:25 am ET – Sponsor Keynote: Tingfang Ji, Vice President, Engineering, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.-

11:40 am ET – Panel Session:

Gabriel Brown, Senior Principal Analyst, Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading

Arjun Parekh, Distinguished Engineer and Senior Manager, Self-Learning Networks Research, BT

Tingfang Ji, Vice President, Engineering, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

Chris Murphy, AI Expert Working Group, UK Telecoms Innovation Network (UKTIN)

12:20 pm ET – Q & A

12:30 pm ET – End

Day 2 Session 2: A Bridge to 6G: Giant Leap or Small Shuffle? – September 21, 2023

12:45 pm EST – Opening Remarks: Ruth Brown, Principal Analyst, Mobile Networks & 5G, Heavy Reading

12:50 pm EST – Service Provider Keynote: Javan Erfanian, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Bell Canada

1:05 pm EST – Platinum Sponsor Keynote: Sarah LaSelva, Director of 6G Marketing, Keysight

1:15 pm EST – Research Keynote: Toktam Mahmoodi, Professor of Communication Engineering at King’s College London, Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Research

1:25 pm EST – Industry Keynote: Mike Nawrocki, ATIS VP of Technology and Solutions

1:35 pm EST – Panel Session:

Sarah LaSelva, Director of 6G Marketing, Keysight

Toktam Mahmoodi, Professor of Communication Engineering at King’s College London Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Research

Javan Erfanian, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Bell Canada

Mike Nawrocki, ATIS VP of Technology and Solutions

2:00 pm ET – Q & A

2:15 pm ET – End


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