Insights from the Frontline of Fraud

Over a five-month span, NeuroID closely tracked the 150+ fraud attack attempts perpetrated against 17 different customers. We analyzed the attack frequency and fraud-style, the strategy and speed, even the duration and potential damage. What we ended up with were in-depth insights from the frontline of fraud that are impossible to find anywhere else.

Download our use case snapshot to learn:

  • Key findings from our analysis, including how short-term attacks can lead to long-term damage.
  • How probing attacks, ambient fraud, and other evolving fraud strategies can exploit loopholes in traditional fraud defenses.
  • A dashboard look at how NeuroID visualizes crowd-level applicant behavior, and how our behavioral analytics flagged fraudsters who were approved by other identity verification tools.

This is the first in our new The Crowd Goes Wild! series of reports, which are focused on understanding the nature and tactics of today’s sophisticated digital identity fraudsters through industry-unique insights into crowd-level applicant behavior.

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