Cyber Risk and Resiliency Report: How CIOs Are Dueling Disaster in 2023

Cyberattacks and other threats to an organization’s ability to do business remain a top concern across all industries. Ransomware tops the list of threats, and it’s just getting worse as the operators succeed in getting more and more ransom payments. But ransomware is not the only threat. Many others come from outside as well as inside the organization and are both man-made and naturally formed. On top of all that comes the long-foretold AI wars – not yet here, but close.

Find Out: 

  • Top Threats and Disruptions to Businesses
  • Defense Versus Recovery Spending
  • Frequency of Testing IR Procedures
  • Cybersecurity Staffing
  • Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Ransom Payments
  • And more....

Against this backdrop companies try to battle and win against an onslaught of attackers.  Don't miss out on this critical research data!

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