PBM Pricing Strategies: Avoid Potential Pitfalls for Health Plans

Pharmacy Benefit Managers (“PBMs”) serve a central function in the U.S. healthcare system. They supply a variety of services that help plan sponsors to administer prescription drug coverage for their beneficiaries. However, when plan sponsors contract with a PBM, they should be aware that they are entering a market that, as law professor Robin Feldman once wrote, is dominated by “distortions—deviations in the pathway so that a clever participant can amble over and pluck a tasty morsel from a neighboring field.” (Feldman 2022) That field is the plan’s bottom line expenses. And the “amble” occurs during the negotiation and implementation of the PBM contract. 

Download this white paper and learn about:

  • Hidden pitfalls in negotiating with PBMs 
  • Functions a PBM can perform for you
  • Conflicts of interests and lack of transparency built into the drug supply chain and PBM contracts
  • Specific examples of those “tasty morsels” that may be buried in those contracts
  • Suggestions for how to avoid them to provide beneficiaries with the best prescription drug coverage at the best price

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