Success Study: Cerami Creates Future-Proofed Interactive Audiovisual Wall & Connectivity for Financial Service Company’s 7 Office Locations

Cerami has been consulting with this financial service company for a decade, providing expertise in technology, security, audiovisual (AV), and acoustic needs for their satellite offices.

By working together over time, Cerami gained an intimate knowledge of the client's workflow and strategic needs, particularly their desire for seamless connectivity across conference rooms, offices, homes, and mobile devices.

Cerami partnered with this company to work on six projects in various locations, each with a unique purpose and goal, and developed an iterative model allowing for future expansion.

In this success story, you'll see how:

  • the notable features implemented by Cerami helped contribute to reaching the Financial Service Company's specific goals
  • integrating technology and AV solutions enhanced employee engagement, collaboration, and connectivity
  • Cerami successfully designed and implemented future-proofed connectivity setups across all seven office locations

Find out their key to success by downloading our case study!

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