The Future of Service Assurance for Telecommunications Operators

In the ever-evolving telecommunications industry landscape, adapting to customer expectations is essential. A shift from traditional, siloed service assurance to a more integrated and customer-centric approach, known as Unified Service Assurance, is occurring. By combining network and service data with customer experience metrics along with business metrics, and employing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, this approach provides insightful and automated strategies for improving service quality with a focus on customer needs.

In this informative webinar, we will:

  • Explain how Unified Service Assurance integrates mobile and fixed networks, and functional domains, aligning network performance with customer experience.
  • Discuss the incorporation of customer experience data, including CDRs and charging records, to obtain a holistic view of service quality.
  • Examine the role of AI and Machine Learning in analyzing diverse datasets for network optimization and customer experience enhancement.
  • Explore how automation can be utilized for proactive service quality management, contributing to customer satisfaction.
  • Review case studies that illustrate the practical implementation and benefits of a customer-centric Unified Service Assurance in telecom.

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