Is Your Organization a Leader or a Laggard?

Despite the growing risk of digital identity fraud in personal lines claims, most carriers don’t have robust capabilities to distinguish between genuine customers and fraudsters.

That’s a key finding of a new study from LexisNexis® Risk Solutions. It’s the first study to shine a spotlight on how top 50 U.S. carriers are experiencing—and dealing with—digital identity fraud in personal lines claims.

The research reveals:

  • 80% of carriers say digital identity fraud occurs at least monthly in personal lines claims
  • 80% say identity-related fraud will get worse as use of digital claims channels grows
  • 33% say they have an effective way to detect and mitigate digital identity fraud

But there’s a small group of carriers that are doing things differently. Leaders are investing in robust, multi-layered approaches to mitigate digital identity fraud and seeing positive results.

Is your organization a leader or a laggard?

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