Email Encryption Best Practices

Email continues to be the lifeblood of organizations. With changes to legislation and the increased attention on data breaches now is the time to revisit email solutions and policies to improve the security of the information that flows through organizations – both inbound and outbound.

While it has been commonplace to have antivirus scanning and anti-spam on the incoming email stream for many years, organizations are now improving security around outbound email, through the increased use of encryption and deployment of data loss prevention (DLP) solutions.

The reason for this is two-fold; the first is understanding the benefits and differences of the myriad of options available. The second is around the cost and ease of use for the solutions. In the past, both encryption and DLP solutions have been notoriously difficult to configure and maintain, making them only options for larger  organizations with specialist IT skills.

Read the guide to better understand available email encryption options and how to make the right choice.

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