Book Smart: Measuring Your True Small Commercial Risk

The agility of small businesses can be their strength—but a pitfall for insurers trying to keep coverage aligned with the risk. A policy written two years ago may be obsolete by renewal, leaving the insurer with mispriced risk and unexpected exposure. How do you measure alignment between the policies in your small commercial portfolio and the risks on the ground? How do you ensure that your book of business matches your risk appetite?

To answer those questions, you may need to pause and take stock, applying structured, relevant data to help determine where you stand in relation to your strategic goals.

Download this white paper and see how a small commercial portfolio analysis can point the way forward to better alignment and new opportunities. Topics discussed including how to help:

  • Identify risks currently in your small commercial insurance book
  • Align your small commercial book to your defined risk appetite
  • Control premium leakage
  • Ensure risks on your book align to reinsurance treaties
  • Minimize surprise claims for unknown risks
  • Improve customer retention
  • Find granular, industry-specific hazards at the policy level

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