Optimize Sales and Service Operations to Master Modern Work

The vast majority of businesses (85%) that participated in a survey by McKinsey & Company said they accelerated adoption of digital interaction and collaboration tools in 2020. And a significant majority (67%) also reported that they had accelerated deployment of automation and AI solutions to stabilize processes and limit reliance on human intervention.

Although it’s easy to attribute this new approach to a time of unprecedented upheaval, this shift is not new – it’s simply an acceleration of new work models that have been emerging for a decade now. And it’s not going to go away as the global pandemic fades. The number of companies stating that they will continue to allow remote work after safety protocols no longer require it has nearly doubled over the span of a year.

The result? “Now more than ever before, people are working from home, and they can feel disengaged if they don’t have the personal interaction and access to the information they’re used to,” says Lee Van Cromvoirt, Senior Product Marketing Manager at OpenText. “The onus is on organizations to provide an infrastructure that drives productivity through better-connected people, content, and systems. Performance across the value chain-accompanied by reduced costs and improved customer satisfaction-has a real
opportunity to increase with the right steps.”

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