Adopting a Defense-in-Depth Approach to IT Security

Security Needs to Keep Pace with Your Business Organizations invest in technology today to drive their businesses forward, not just to streamline back-office processes. At the same time as ensuring security, CISOs are directing the adoption of diverse new technologies that increase enterprise speed and flexibility – critical components to gaining a competitive edge. CISOs today are increasingly concerned with – and responsible for, the availability and integrity of their digital businesses, including the customer-facing aspects. 

The speed of today’s business is a factor. Users need timely access to resources that let them play their roles effectively in a dynamic business. Cyber security strategies must accommodate this need and continue to adjust to keep pace. Enterprise security is long past “set and forget”. But speed is just one factor. The sophistication of many of today’s cyberattacks—from ransomware to advanced supply chain infiltration—requires organizations to adopt an “assume-breach” mindset. 

Today’s attackers look to circumvent access controls to penetrate and propagate within the enterprise. Thinking like an attacker helps you implement policies and controls that detect and isolate adversaries before they traverse your network and inflict serious damage.

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